Monday, December 25, 2023




Your First Line of Defense




On the old blog, I had some examples of prayers you can say for everything from asking forgiveness, redemption, to renewing of the Spirit in you, strength, being shielded and protected.


There is also a powerful prayer that in Christ’s Name you can bind the spirits/entities of torment, negative energy, depression, anger, lust, impatience, incontinence (not being able to control your emotions/mouth – one of my problems), and any other spirit to remove it from deep within you as well as deflect it back to anyone sending negative energy, and malevolent spirits toward you or your family or circle of influence.


I will include the excerpt from the article I included on “Spiritual Warfare” below, which addresses such a need for these prayers; and explains the power behind them:


"But it is also vital to know that you can COMMAND these things to go in the name of Jesus Christ! I often talk about RENOUNCING” things from the very depths of your being. It is not just with your ‘mouth only’. You are rejecting and expelling these things with every part of you – spirit, soul and body – in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And they WILL go! The same applies to other areas of darkness in people’s lives. If you suffer from depression or a bad temper or any other form of darkness that you can’t seem to get rid of – COMMAND it gone from the very depths of your being in Jesus’ name! I refer to these things as “strongholds” rather than ‘demons’. And I have seen people utterly delivered of things they thought were “ingrained” in them – just by deeply and forcefully COMMANDING them gone in the mighty name of Jesus. Try it! Don’t delay." - Source,


You can renounce negative qualities in you; and you can also bind and cast out negative spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Something else that I did not fully understand was the powerful cleansing that occurs with fasting.  Fasting gives the body rest from toxins found in our foods, water and cleans out the digestive system so that your body’s instrumentation to receive from God is unobstructed.


You are encouraged to pray from your whole heart, and use your own words.  Below are helps only, and examples that you can use to tailor your own prayer to your needs, your sins and your protection.





The Sinner’s Prayers:


David prayed the perfect sinner’s prayer in Psalm 51.  Yours does not have to be word for word: but read that chapter in Psalm and let yourself feel David’s anguish over his “Bloodguiltiness”; and his love for God and the Word.  Then just start talking to God, in Jesus’ name.  Jesus is your mediator.  Ask God in the name of Jesus, to forgive you, name the sins you are aware of whether in thought, word or deed and ask him to take them and cleanse them out of your book.


When you are preparing for this prayer, think back at all the times that you were brought through a danger, or experience and felt that you were protected or covered through it without explanation as to how/why it didn’t go “the other way”.


Another “sinner’s prayer” which is good for reading after Psalm 51 is Psalm 39.  It’s more of a thankful, and grateful verbal epistle to God.  For example this prayer is valuable to me when I know that I sinned in weakness, if I cursed or let my temper get away from me, Psalm 39 is a good one to read through, and set your soul in the right spirit to pray “God, I know I slipped”, “please forgive me” and “help me in this struggle to overcome”.



Shielding Prayers:


Psalm 91:  I have prayed this when I felt a sense of foreboding.  You know the feeling; like something is going to happen, but you don’t know what, and you just need assurance that God is looking upon you at this time and sees it coming.


Stronger protection prayers, when you know you are under attack, whether it is doubts surfacing in your own mind, or attacks coming through words or actions of people close to you, and those will come.  You are fighting the spirit that came in through their weaknesses, not them, so remember that.  This was the hardest thing for me to go through and if strong enough it will knock you back.


Stronger than Psalm 91, if this is vicious enough, or coming at you from different angles (you know what I mean if you’ve experienced it): Psalm 37.


Psalm 37 begins with “fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity . . .”  Read this one out loud.  This is the prayer given to my mother when she was being threatened after getting rid of some witchcraft books she had since her younger days of dabbling.  I saw as a child what she went through and we prayed this prayer with her.  We were counseled by a minister who would come and pray through a house wherein there was trouble of this kind.


Psalm 35 was also another one, same strength but different line of defense: you are praying to rid yourself, house, or loved one of an tormenting enmity directly.  Sometimes three times a day we prayed this one because of what was occurring.  You are asking the Lord to stand up for your help.


I had remembered from the days of the battle my mother went through what we were taught about the power we have in the Name of Christ, to bind or loose, cast out and even send back evil, negative forces to whom sent them to you.  I would not use this on loved ones, but those you know are wishing you harm.


In this prayer, you NAME those demons, works or negative thoughts (spells?) that you feel are coming at you, but don’t name the people.  You don’t send evil to people, but what is WORKING through them.


I had read this prayer to the Pastor of a church I attended some years back, and he was very quiet.  He said to me “this is a powerful prayer”, so he was not unknowledgeable about invoking the Name of Christ to protect you and cover you, or deflect evil thoughts/works from you.


If you feel so threatened, say this prayer but write it to your circumstances.  This is a personal one and I wrote it for my predicament.  I have it in outline for so it is easier for you to customize it for the threat you are dealing with.


Start every prayer with apologizing to God for any sins you unknowingly committed and ask him to please forgive you.  Then state why you are asking for his help; in something like this:



Ask to be forgiven:


Heavenly Father, I come before you humbled and am in great distress.  I know I do many things that displease you in a given day, and I thank you for your grace.  Please forgive me for those sins I committed and help me to hear you and recognize your voice before I stumble . . . (fit in here any particulars you want to be forgiven for). Please cleanse me and help me overcome the darts that have been sent to defeat me.


Bind Them in Christ’s name:


In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Word, I bind the demons of [fear, torment, impatience, lack of control/cursing, doubt, iniquity, impulses, addictions – name them) and I cast you out. (you can repeat this phrase with each force named.  Sometimes I will repeat this for a particularly strong torment, such as demons of division or a family member three times before continuing)


I bind the demons/force of anger, I bind the demons of fear, I bind the demons of torment in the Name of Jesus Christ, and I cast you out.


The Word of God is my shield of protection. In the Name of Jesus Christ, the Word is my shield.  The demons/forces/negative emotions and words and spells are bound in the Name of Jesus Christ.  In the Name of Christ I cast you out, and send you back where you came from.


This is the house of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His Name you have no power here. I bind you and cast you out in the Name of Jesus Christ and no place is found for you here.


Close Prayer:


Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior, I thank you for your protection and ask that you please keep me from temptation.  Lend me your wisdom and discernment in your Spirit so that I can detect and avoid those that wish me harm and avoid them, their flatteries and their temptation.


Cover me in the protection of your wings and keep me from danger.  Give me the strength and help my faith in times of stress and torment. Please close those door to those that seek to enter and keep me from you.


I pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.




When you pray these things, do it in faith.  When you ask for answers from God do so in the love of the truth.


Meditate on any scripture that the Lord reveals to you concerning your situation and think on those pure things that God wants for you.


If you would like me or someone to pray for you, please leave a comment.  It is written that two or more gathered in His Name, He will be also.


God bless you









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