Monday, October 2, 2023

Threatening Clouds


Threatening Clouds


For the many who have prayed for a positive outcome for my husband, thank you from my whole heart.  In the last series of blood work that was done, the counts they were worried about which were sky high came down significantly.


I had spoken to a relative over the phone concerning this matter a few days before we went to the city for those procedures; and that relative had mentioned the “Eddie” dream.  I had told this person that during another conversation, the “sixes” came up from that dream. 


My husband was first admitted on the 26th of May in the local hospital.  His stay was six days:  He was released on the 1st of June; four years to the day that I had the “Eddie” dream.  He was told of the cancer antigen on that day.  On the 6th of June we went back to the local hospital to get more blood work done.  Those antigens revealed were over 12,000 where they should have been 37 or so.  He was admitted to the city University Medical Center that day, the 6th of June.  The drive was three hours away, so I stayed with him.  His room was on the 6th floor.


They found something else that was causing the problem.  He was released after four days – on the 10th of June, my birthday.  I felt as if I had received my birthday present from God.  This also reminded me of the “Eddie” dream because “ten days later” on the 11th of June back in 2012, I had the dream about Michael and two angels, one which looked like the one in the “Eddie” dream, tell Michael “This is it:  Tell your people they have ten days”.


On the follow up, a week later, the counts were still up over 12,000.  They scheduled an outpatient procedure for the following week to remove stents put in during the week of the sixth.  That was done yesterday, the 22nd of June.  The blood work they did prior to the procedure came back before my husband was completely out of recovery.  We were told that the counts that were up over 12,000 the week before were now down to 1300; and that if it were cancer, that would not have happened.


They found no growths during their producer and barring any results from the biopsy, everything was fine.  His gallbladder needed removed eventually and that was all.


We drove home yesterday evening (as I write this on the morning of June 23rd, 2016) and I had a headache that was nauseating.  Nothing I did would release it.  We stopped at our usual place where we had dinner every Friday and one of the ladies working there graciously offered me aspirin.  My problem however was lack of sleep.  I had made this six hour round trip on four hours of sleep.  Getting a nap while waiting was not possible.


When we arrived home, I returned calls.  One phone call from a family member revealed the death of one of their friends.  We talked for a while and I hung up the phone and said a prayer for that family.


I retired to bed early to get the sleep my body was yelling at me to get: a little after 10 pm.  I awoke at four am and fell back asleep until about quarter to 7 am due to a dream.  I told my husband about it.


I dreamed I was waiting in a huge cafeteria, similar to the one in the city hospital; only this one was much larger, and faced out over the ocean with an inlet marina.  I was watching the few boats that were out there.  Then I was called to go upstairs.


I arrived upstairs in a ward of young women.  My job was to comfort those who were there, to council them and lift their spirits.  They were in there for various reasons.  One of the women there had taken her life and the other women were upset; but one in particular needed consoling as she was close friends with the one who took her life.


The young woman was consoled and reminded who had their souls in His hand.  When the young woman was comforted, I returned to the cafeteria.  By then it was early evening and there were few people there. 


I sat at the table watching the water and sipping a drink.  My eyes drifted up to the wispy clouds in the sky; but one of the clouds was different, heavier.  I watched as this cloud separated itself from the wispy cloud and stood on its end.  It drifted slowly down toward the water as I watched intently.


The cloud had three sections, almost like a sloppily made snowman.  It descended until it hit the surface of the water.  It bounced a couple of times then submerged under the water.  I stood up.  I looked around to see if anyone else noticed it, but the few people there were not facing the big glass wall of windows and did not see.  I thought to myself “someone is playing with toys”.


I sat slowly back down and the cloud reemerged from the water and began to drift into the inlet, to the left as I sat.  As the cloud drifted on the water, arms developed and hands from the cloud.  Features began to form on the cloud where the head would be.  I watched as those arms came out toward me.  The chubby, cartoon-like hands formed fists.  One finger came toward me, pointing at me; then both index fingers were punched toward me as the expression on the features of the face said “you’re next!”


I responded by smiling.  I pointed at the cloud, then pointed upward, then gave him the thumbs up to tell it “I have God and I’m not afraid”.  The expression on the features of the almost faceless cloud became a scowl; and as he drifted out of sight, those two fists with the index fingers pointing became middle fingers on both hands.  It pushed those middle fingers out toward me until it drifted beyond the view through the windows and I could see it no more.  I remember wanting to tell my husband about this as soon as I saw him before I awoke.


I did view the dream as an ominous one, although I was not afraid.  I was slightly amused.  I have never been given obscene gestures by a cloud before.



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